Computer Network Analysis And Design: Case Study Of Mesh And Bus Topology At Kuro Gaming Center Warnet

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Putra Sanjaya Kaharap
Nor Anisa


This research aims to identify the network topology used, identify the function of each existing tool, identify existing problems and solutions. The method used is a semi-structured interview method with 1 resource person as the owner of the internet cafe. The results of the research show that Kuro Internet Cafe uses a mesh topology because the security is higher and the network speed is strong, but it has a weakness, namely the large number of server cabling connections, to overcome this is to contact the server and cable management department. This research suggests a bus topology that has advantages, namely that the wiring system is more effective and reduces operational costs. Computer networks are a vital component for internet cafes to connect users with information. A good understanding of network topology, tool functions and network management is the main key to smooth internet cafe operations. This research aims to find out that computer networks are an important component for humans to connect with information or exchange information. This research can be a reference for other internet cafe managers in choosing the right and optimal network topology.

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