Decision Support System for Faculty Of Science and Technology Program Selection at Sari Mulia University

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Nor Anisa


In Banjarmasin there is a culinary tour called Tempoe Doloe Townhouse, in this place there are many standing dining and drinking places that are in great demand of millennial teenagers, besides a lot of teenagers who gathered in Tempoe Cottage, in the case of this very attracting attention due to the average of the teenagers gathering in Tempe Doloes Townhouse the majority are not working and love to shop online in E-Commerce. Quantitative research is a process of finding knowledge that uses numerical data as a tool to find an explanation of what we want to know. Once the questionnaire data is filled in then it will be processed with the analytical tool Numerical Processing and Statistical Data Processing. Where this research aims to find out the causal and consequential relationship between the social proof and the price in determining the purchase decision. From the results of the questionnaire given the reason the respondents chose to shop online in E-Commerce because the online price is cheaper with 39 respondents or 97.5% of the 40 respondents or 100% that means in increasing the interest of the e-commerce users and also the reason for choosing this is related to the job of teenagers in the neighborhood of Bandarmasih Tempoe Doloe Banjarmasin which the majority do not work, of course the price presented should be in accordance with the product obtained by e-commerce users in the territory of Bandarmaish Tempoe Doloe.

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Nor Anisa

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