Social Facilities Search Mapping Application on Android-based Banjarmasin City

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Muhammad Rachman


Banjarmasin is the capital of the province of South Kalimantan, which is located in Indonesia and is one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the country. It is a region that is moderate and continues to undergo rapid development in various fields, including so many social facilities. Social facilities, that is to say, include the facilities most needed by the community in the settlement environment: health, education, shopping and commerce, personal, recreational/cultural, sports and playgrounds, government & public services and public funerals. For someone who travels to an unknown area, he will have trouble finding the location of social facilities. To get some information about where these social facilities are usually one would ask the people around them. But this job is not always pleasant, because it could be that the information given by the person asked was misleading. To facilitate action on these conditions, an application is needed that can be used to identify the location of social facilities and find a path to the sites of such social institutions.

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