Application for Management and Search for Internship Places at SMKN 4 Banjarmasin Based on WebGIS

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Raisa Noor Islami


Every year students at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education hold an Introduction to the School Field (PLP) activity, namely an internship activity for students and female students which aims to increase their preparation to become teachers, because this activity must be carried out due to the increasing number of students, it will have an impact on the services provided. in the future it will increase and must be even better, especially the search for internship places and registration. The system design method used to identify the components of this system design includes ERD design, flowcharts, database table structures, and several diagram designs that explain the process flow scenarios of this system. To create this system, Sublime software is used with HTML, Javascript, PHP and MySQL database programming languages. With the Android application, it can be easier to register for internships anywhere and at any time, efficient use of Android can make all school internship activities easier, with information services that can be accessed via mobile devices such as Android by utilizing GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. ) which can determine the position based on certain geographic points, this is what is used to be integrated into the Android application.

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Author Biography

Raisa Noor Islami

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