New Town District Tourist Destination Information Provider Application Based on WebGIS

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Muhammad Yusril Arrahman


Kotabaru District has an area of 9.422.46 square kilometers making the area of Kotabaru district more than a quarter or 25.11% of the territory of Southern Kalimantan Province, with such a vast area as Kotabaru County has many tourist destinations. Media information about tourism in Kotabaru district is important to be made in order to promote and provide tourist information to the public, for this some parties and the Regional Government have tried to provide tourism information by using social media and make articles about existing tourism, but sometimes such information is not so complete and makes the information not delivered well. The problem gave rise to the idea of creating an Information Provider Application with a Geographic Information System. The method used was the waterfall method and the creation of this application using PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS as its programming languages, then using the Leaflet.JS API for the development of geographic information system functions. With the presence of a WebGis-based Tourist Destination Information Provider App Kotabaru District, it is expected that the general public will be able to obtain complete, interesting and informative information. In addition, this app is expected to make it easier for the public and tourists to get tourist information and tourist locations in Kotabaru district.

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